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SCREENxSCREEN Online Music + Tech Conference Returns Feb 7 – 9

SCREENxSCREEN Online Music + Tech Conference Returns Feb 7 – 9

SCREENXSCREEN will be returning from February 7th until 9th, and if you’re part of the music industry, whether that be a musician, manager or anything in between you won’t want to miss it! Featuring 75+ speakers, 20+ sessions, B2Bs, breakouts, meet-ups and more over the course of 3 days SCREENXSCREEN brings together music lovers from around the world to discuss some of the biggest questions around todays music scene and share invaluable insight into how to thrive in the present and future music industry. This year’s event will see industry leaders and innovators exploring and explaining the metaverse, NFTs, blockchain, gaming, AI, VR, live streaming, monetization, marketing, data, social media, and more.

Speakers Include:

Michael Pelcyznski (SoundCloud)
Veronica Syrtash (CMRRA)
Robert Singerman (LyricFind)
Matt Gorman (Cox & Palmer)
Keziah Myers (ADVANCE)
Dmitri Vietze (Rock Paper Scissors)
Darryl Hurs (Indie Week / CD Baby)
Sandra Sutter (Artist/ PTW Energy Services)
Morgan Hayduk (Beatdapp)
Alec MacLachlan (SOCAN)
Patricia Carrera (Control Freaks)
Mark Frieser (Sync Summit)
Victor Riparbelli (Synthesia)
Rodel Delfin (Vegas Music Summit)
Cody Partridge (Peartree Music Supervision)
Meng Kuok (Bandlab)
Chris McGarry (Authentic Artists)
Mike Butera (Artiphon)
Steve Stewart (Futureworlds)
Danny Brown-Wolf (UpLand)
Andreas Katsambas (Chartmetric)
Roy Hennig (LyricFind)
Dan Bowler (Dizzyjam)
Marcelo Garibotti (VIA Music Group)
Stathis Mitskas (ComeTogether)
Dhruv SK (Snakes x Ladders)



About The Author

Jesse Read

Jesse Read is a videographer, writer and editor for Dropout Entertainment. As a musician as well as a videographer, Jesse has travelled the country numerous times, playing alongside and listening to the stories of hundreds of artists. A few of those are documented on this site. For video's, interviews & features follow the contact us tab!

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