Canadian Music Week: Ben’s Top Picks
It’s CMW 2018 in Toronto right now and I’m totally missing out on all this great s#&t. I’ve been knee deep in CSS code at my day job making the internet look… better (I make websites); and I’ve had no time to enjoy Canadian Music Week… boourns to that!
Canadian Music Week is spread out across the city, although it’s mostly centred around Queen West. The vibes are always great, and I’m super bummed that I won’t be going out… probably.
This past Saturday we got the chance and checked out a dope hip-hop-folk show at Lola in Kensington – Ceschi with Thesis Sahib, Lee Reed, and Jesse Dangerously.
Ceschi absolutely tore the walls down – this was my first time seeing him and it was memorable to say the least. My bud had invited me and it turns out I’d actually been wanting to see Jesse Dangerously after a friend of mine turned me on to him. I’d forgotten his name. I’m going to do a review of both of these guys if Jesse doesn’t beat me to it. Also, let me be clear, that was not a CMW show (I don’t think), it’s just really cool and totally worth mentioning.
Ok ok, so here’s all the things I probably, maybe won’t go see… but would totally go see if I could. But I can’t. So I probably, maybe, won’t.
Monday and Tuesday are (would have been) showcase nights. Although both of these nights are over I most definitely would have hit some CMW showcase events to soak in some new, raw Canadian talent – mostly because I don’t recognize any of the artists playing on Monday and Tuesday… anywhere… because I’m old.
Now Tonight is a different story, there is no way I’m missing Brian Jonestown Massacre at The Danforth Music Hall. These guys are high energy and melodically a great stoner sound to groove to. I smoke a lot of pot so it will probably help my work by inspiring me or something. Yes, will have to be checked out. Danforth Music Hall – Brian Jonestown Massacre – Tonight.
It’s not ever CMW unless I have no time… certainly no time to check out the f’ing amazing Acid Dad! A really cool band I discovered while researching this list. They are performing tonight too at Adelaide Hall – I will probably just dip in here… you know… really quickly to check out the tail end of their set. If you haven’t heard Acid Dad go check them out. They have that grungy soft electric guitar sound. Mr Major and 2Ci are both solid tracks of their latest album which I’ve now listened to twice. Acid Dad – Adelaide Hall – Tonight.
Tomorrow night (Thursday) is a bit of a write off too, still really busy. Although… I did mention that I would meet my bud at Adelaide Hall again, to see us some Jerad & The Mills. You see Jerad & The Mills is some soft ear sweets so it’s a bit necessary that I catch at least a couple of songs. I love this guys sound – he’s like a little bit of Mumford and Sons if Mumford and Sons chilled the hell out once and a while. Pretty ear music by Jerad & The Mills can be enjoyed on Thursday night at Adelaide Hall.
It’s no secret that I have an unhealthy addiction with some pop music, at least it’s not a secret anymore. Remind me to tell you about my deep and ridiculous relationship with pop music about bubble gum and boys sometime. So I also want to check out New City at Velvet Underground tonight. It’s not far from Adelaide so I’m sure I can make it there too. For a few songs. New City is sexy club-grooves about dirty secrets and dancing too close. New City is at Velvet Underground Thursday.
The Beaches remind me of hanging out and drinking whiskey with my punk-rock-lesbian friend on a beach back in 2010 (hi Lynn!). Good times.
I’ll for sure be done all my work by Friday night and I’ll get a proper chance to see The Beaches at The Opera House. Highly recommended.
So Friday night is looking pretty solid, after the opera house – because all my work is definitely super done by this point – I should be able to check out Yukon Blonde at Lee’s Palace. Because who doesn’t want to see Yukon Blonde? That’s pretty awesome guys! Go look up Emotional Blackmail right now – I’ll wait… right?! Yukon Blonde at Opera House on Friday.
Have a safe, fun, experimentalist-musically-interesting CMW!