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Wish You Well – Nicole Haber (Interview + New Lyric Video)

Wish You Well – Nicole Haber (Interview + New Lyric Video)

Toronto singer/songwriter Nicole Haber just released a new lyric video for her beautifully personal new track “I Wish You Well”, a great new song about an ex that will uplift you instead of depress you as they tend to sometimes do. It’s a song about closure, about moving on, wishing them the best while still saying F$%@ you, I’ll be fine. It’s a message I wish more songs about exes revolved around, and one that I feel a lot people can relate to. It’s also pretty catchy, I’m probably going to have the word “you” sang in different inflections stuck in my head all day now… click above to give the song a listen and you’ll see exactly what I mean. When asked about what inspired the song, Nicole Haber told us

“Well not to sound like Taylor Swift, but a breakup. At the end of last year, I ended a relationship that I was in for a very long time. A person with who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life. I needed closure, I needed some way of getting out what I wanted to say without it sounding desperate. So one night I woke up in a panic and just started writing. I ended up falling asleep at my piano and finishing it the next day. Wrote it in an hour, which was crazy because I spent months trying to form these words to say out loud, and there they just came out. No question. That’s how Wish You Well came about.”


The stars aligned to bring this track, which took months of hard work and literal tears, to life. Talking about who she worked with to record the track, Nicole said

“So I recorded the track with a friend of mine named Jonathan Karkar. He’s a producer out in Stouffville and makes amazing music. Fun fact, I was following him for a very long time in the hopes that he would work with me. But one day I accidentally unfollowed him and followed him again and that was the day he noticed me as an artist. It was about the same time that I released the first draft of Wish You Well. I was just looking for artists who wanted to collaborate on the project. It just so happened that I got a message from Jonathan saying “I want to work on that track”. So me accidentally unfollowing him made him follow me and then we worked on the song together. It was just meant to be. It has also been the best experience I’ve had so far recording music and we plan to work together a lot more in the future.”

As an artist it’s a strange time to try to navigate, we asked Nicole if Covid-19 had affected the release of this track in any way and how had it affected her as an artist? The answer to this question is always a happy one, but luckily she had a positive and inspirational answer!


“It didn’t negatively affect me, thank god. It gave me way more time to put a lot more effort into the release. This has been the most planned/well-thought-out release that I’ve had so far. I was able to reach out to so many of my contacts through social media and get their tips and pointers. Everyone wanted to help everyone because we were all in the same boat. It obviously sucked because you knew things had to be planned out a little differently. Like photo shoots, recording sessions, and any other meetups. (Most of our meetings were all through Zoom.) But it definitely gave me some time to put my full brain into the release and become vulnerable because it was such a weird experience and I was able to tap into things that I never thought I would. So yes, it kind of sucked that we had Covid, but it brought out a little bit more of my creative side and forced me to get better at a lot of things that I wasn’t good at. Especially when it came to the business side of the music.”


When asked if she had any words of hope for our readers during these crazy times, Nicole left us with these words.

“You’ll be okay. You were okay before all of this and you’ll be okay after it. I know it seems like it’s never-ending. But everything moves forward, nothing stays stagnant, and nothing is permanent. Just keep improving on yourself, keep trying to make money, try to do whatever you can to stay sane, and take this time to be your true self. As lame as that sounds, it’s extremely difficult to do. We have to see this as a blessing in disguise because we have endless time to work on ourselves, to gain happiness, to be minimalists, and to remind ourselves what’s important to us. So as I’ve been saying this whole Covid-19 experience. We got this!”

To find more of Nicole Haber’s music and to keep up with what she’s got coming up next, visit and click below for a small clip from the time spent in the studio creating “Wish You Well”.



About The Author

Jesse Read

Jesse Read is a videographer, writer and editor for Dropout Entertainment. As a musician as well as a videographer, Jesse has travelled the country numerous times, playing alongside and listening to the stories of hundreds of artists. A few of those are documented on this site. For video's, interviews & features follow the contact us tab!

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