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Caroline Colantonio & The Thunder Moons have released their first track of the season, and if I only had two words to describe it, they would be beautiful and refreshing. Listening to this track is the audio equivalent to having that first sip of your drink after a hard days work in the +40 weather we’ve had here in Toronto this last week. Caroline doesn’t only have an amazing and unique voice, she’s an incredible storyteller as showcased in Summer Fun. Last time we talked to Caroline we learned that she was a classically trained opera singer now writing pop music, which explains the great voice. As for for knack for writing beautifully poetic lyrics… you’ll have to ask her! Here’s what Caroline had to say about the track!

“There are so many reasons that I love being a Canadian, but one of them is definitely the cycle of the four seasons.  I don’t think there are many Canadians who haven’t (at least once!) had a moment of rebirth or a figurative sigh of relief when the cold winter ends each year.  It seems like a quintessential part of our identity to complain about the weather! The last snowfall in April or late March comes just when we think we’ve seen the end of shovelling driveways and trudging through the grey slush down the steps to the TTC.  I used to always look forward to autumn because, to me, it’s the visual representation of nostalgia, the most poetic end of something, but this year, I found myself unusually giddy for summer! I wrote the demo for Summer Fun at The Civic Resource Centre in Vaughan one afternoon. The song makes an argument for holding on, keeping the faith when it’s forty below (figuratively and literally), and wishing for sweet familiar sunshine every dark day.  I was picturing white freezies, Jays games, beach days on the island, and long sunsets on rooftops with your best friends. I brought the demo I made to The Thunder Moons one Wednesday at rehearsal, and voila! Mitch, Hubert, Jacqueline, and Jeremy took it to the next level and the new single was born, almost as quickly as Canadians seem to switch from parkas to shorts! I couldn’t be happier that the song will be released right in the thick of the season.

We recorded the track primarily at ALC Creative in Toronto and we picked a day to shoot our beach photos a few weeks out. It was cloudy that day, but since we’re The Thunder Moons and we like to weather the storms, we braved it on an empty Woodbine Beach backdrop! My mom thought of the idea of floatation devices, so I pitched it to the band and showed up in the pouring rain with a donut floatie and a giant plastic swan! Thanks ML!

This song is a new direction for me and a transition for our group as we work towards an indie EP and a new sound, so in many ways, I think it really does signal the start of something warm and exciting and beautiful.  Jacqueline painted a cherry blossom watercolour for our last show poster that she said was inspired by Trinity Bellwoods park, which is mentioned in the second verse. I also refer to a secret treehouse I know in the west end, another Toronto gem that I sometimes travel to in my imagination.  I think there’s something undeniably awesome about this city as the spring wraps up, and I wanted to shout it out in the bridge with “Even little birds will know / They’ll all fly home / Isn’t that how seasons go?” It’s natural to expect the summer, but I think it’s still always somehow a huge relief and a glorious surprise. Every year. Every time.

Summer Fun is premiering here on Dropout Entertainment. You can also catch the band perform the track live at The Thunder Moons show on July 20th at The Cameron House!”

You can follow Caroline Colantonio here

And the Thunder Moons here



About The Author

Jesse Read

Jesse Read is a videographer, writer and editor for Dropout Entertainment. As a musician as well as a videographer, Jesse has travelled the country numerous times, playing alongside and listening to the stories of hundreds of artists. A few of those are documented on this site. For video's, interviews & features follow the contact us tab!

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