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Toronto Indie Rockers Bad Holiday Release Cinematic New Video “Island”

Toronto Indie Rockers Bad Holiday Release Cinematic New Video “Island”

Toronto Indie Rockers Bad Holiday have just released their latest music video for their single “Island” and this mini movie will keep you hooked the whole way through. It’s one of those videos where you never know whats coming next, and to give you some context on why it features an airplane, a demanding (and resurrecting) band manager, aliens and explosions, and that’s all on top of the kick ass song that it’s built around. I really love all the special effects that were put into the video to make you feel like you’re watching a blockbuster. The lyrics are about dealing with all the stuff in your life as best you can, but acknowledging that sometimes you need a little support. Sometimes those waves just get too damn high. When asked about the idea behind this epic video the band said 

“Aliens, man.
The whole thing was idea that we had been kicking around a few years ago when we shot our video to “19”. After the “cottage weekend” vibe we wanted to go total opposite and shoot a crazy concept video with aliens and plane crashes (Ryan is a huge fan of aliens. Just ask about some of those tats!) Alas, the pandemic put the nix on the video at the time, but it turned out to be in our favour and flashforward to this summer and we have a whole new song ready to go. Why not take advantage of the already great concept…
So, through some guerilla-style shooting, brilliant directing, and some crafty editing, you can see the band flying in a plane (didn’t happen), crashing into a lake (didn’t happen), and getting beamed up by aliens (may have happened). We absolutely love the video and can’t wait for people to see it.”

It’s been a long pandemic, but as 2021 nears an end it’s beautiful to see Canadian music slowly coming back for a triumphant return. When asked about the biggest thing the band learned over the course of the pandemic they responded with

“There ain’t no party like an S-Club Party. But then again, who didn’t know that?
We learned that we have to take advantage of what we can when we can. Take all the show we can, write all the tunes we can, and never mis a chance for a jam. We were lucky in that we got to keep working remotely during the pandemic, and we still managed to stay inspired and used the time in isolation to our advantage.”

If you’re a fan of the new song, I’ve got good news, the band isn’t planning on slowing down anytime soon, and have big things planned for 2022! Their plans for the next year include 

“More great tunes, more loud shows, and more over the top music videos featuring the band getting brutally injured! We’re hoping to snag as many gigs as we can in 2022, all the while continuing to record as much new material as possible. Album number 2 has just entered the final stages of mixing/mastering and will be out any day now. Meanwhile, Ed has been on a tear writing the tracks for album 3 and has most of those demos in the bag. A return to the studio is imminent.”



About The Author

Jesse Read

Jesse Read is a videographer, writer and editor for Dropout Entertainment. As a musician as well as a videographer, Jesse has travelled the country numerous times, playing alongside and listening to the stories of hundreds of artists. A few of those are documented on this site. For video's, interviews & features follow the contact us tab!

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