Toronto Hip-Hop Artist AllMillz Releases Hopeful New Lyric Video For Highlights

Toronto based hip-hop artist, content creator & Olympus media executive Jamal Mayers a.k.a. AllMillz has recently released a new lyric video for his latest single “Highlights”. It’s been a crazy last year for everyone, and at a time when we all need to keep our heads up, “Highlights” features some important messages. A message not to give up and to keep going when times get tough, and a reminder that although social media may give you the appearance that everybody is doing great all the time, that’s usually not the reality. It’s easy to get down on yourself when things are already tough, and sometimes seeing everyones “Highlights” on social media can make you feel like your doing something wrong… everybody else looks like they’re having such a great time with life, but it’s important to remind ourselves of exactly that, they are just “Highlights”. We all struggle and we’re all struggling, but together we can get through all this, so like AllMillz says in the song “Don’t You Give Up On Love”.
“I wrote the song a year ago around December. At that time it was very gloomy outside and I was going through it, recently lost my job and I was down. I wanted to write a song that could be relate to others that were also going through tough times. We live in a society now that social media is designed to post the highlights of one’s life instead of the shortcomings or hard times which makes things seem very superficial. A lot of the time people will be posting selfies on Instagram but behind the screen they are depressed and looking for validation through likes and online engagement. What I wanted highlights to be is a song to remind people not to give up and the sun will always come out the next day. Life is not always roses and daffodils but you have to keep pushing and never to give up on love….love for yourself, love for others and ultimately love for life. Artwork and lyric video for the single was done by july.fill and the lyric video goes hand and hand with the idea described.” -AllMillz
Click below to watch AllMillz latest lyric video Highlights!
Todays Song of The Day (March 26th) is Highlights by AllMillz. Every weekday on Dropout Radio at 10AM, 1PM, 4PM, 7PM & 10PM ET we’re showcasing some of Canada’s best independent music, from artists of all genres and all across the country. Stay tuned ’til the end of The Song of The Day on Dropout Radio to find today’s Secret Code and for your chance to win free Dropout merch!