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Canadian Independent Music Video Awards Finalists

Canadian Independent Music Video Awards Finalists

The finalists have been chosen for Dropout Entertainment’s Canadian Independent Music Video Awards. Four videos from each genre made it through the first round, two voted in by Canadians and two voted in by judges. Voting officially closes on January 28 and the winners of each category and the video for Best Video of the Year 2018 will be announced on Thursday January 31, 2019.

Here at Dropout we were overwhelmed with the organic traffic and social engagement the award voting has received. In true independent nature, word spread a bit wider than expected and the contest has seen votes by fans and supporters from every genre all across the country.

“It’s genuinely beautiful to see people making that little extra effort to support an independent Canadian artist or band” says Jesse Read from Dropout “if one of these artists gets some exposure or even one new fan, the contest will have done its job”.


The current category finalists are:









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The category winners and Best Canadian Independent Music Video of 2018 will be announced on Thursday January 31, 2019, in the meantime voting is open until Monday January 28, 2019. The category winners are entirely vote based and will be chosen by the audience, while the Best Video overall and the $500 cash prize will be awarded to the video chosen by Dropout judges. Canadians can vote online at or



About The Author

Jesse Read

Jesse Read is a videographer, writer and editor for Dropout Entertainment. As a musician as well as a videographer, Jesse has travelled the country numerous times, playing alongside and listening to the stories of hundreds of artists. A few of those are documented on this site. For video's, interviews & features follow the contact us tab!

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